In the previous three units we have begun to think about orientating our lives towards God. We’ve started to see how this might help us overcome the crises we are experiencing: as humans, in our society and how it has been structured; as part of creation, and the damage we have caused to it; and also in ourselves, some things choosing status and possessions over love for one another and creation. We hope the sessions so far have provoked questions about the meaning and value of life on Earth and have enabled your young people to enter deeper into faith and relationship with Jesus.
This unit, ‘Called by the Holy Spirit’ builds on ‘Called to Listen’ and hopes to give a deeper introduction into discernment. Before we jump right into doing something, as well as throughout the process, it is important to reflect on the why and how. Where is God calling us? What are the temptations and distractions from this call? Where is the Spirit drawing you? Your community? – in positive or negative ways? (Using the Jesuit tradition of discerning the spirits).
Main Resources
Young Adults’ and Leaders’ Unit Notes Download
Young People’s Resource Sheet Download
Conversation starter video direct link
Reflection Image Download
Power Point reflections Download
Powerpoint adapted by a school chaplain for an assembly and powerpoint plan
Other resources:
You are welcome to download the longer Leaders’ Word Document here, to adapt and create your own resources. Please share these resources with us. We will host them here for others to use (we believe this is a time to share our materials with one another to support each other’s work with young people)
We will add video and resource links here:
Explore ‘An Approach to Good Choices’:
Guidance and concrete ways of Building Community:
Ideas for action can also be found here:
Examples of young people doing great things in their community:
Holy Spirit - Bible Project (04:10 minutes):
Vocation and Discernment Resources:
Staying faithful with Sr Katrina Alton:
Gifts & Vocation - Christ is Alive - Southwark Catholic Youth Service:
Synod Series 4: “And Their Eyes Were Opened”: Vocational Discernment:
Gifts and vocation reflection sheet - Southwark Catholic Youth Service:
4 Helpful rules for Discernment - Ascension Presents (06:30 minutes):
The key to discernment - Ascension Presents (05:48 minutes):
Discernment 101 - Ascension Presents (06:10 minutes):
With special thanks to:
Anna Fraine (Author and collator of material - Million Minutes’ Trustee)
The Columbans
Saskia Hogbin (Diocese of Plymouth)
Jay Caraccido (Diocese of Northampton)
Eleanor Roberts (Archdiocese of Southwark)
Jessica Wilkinson (Diocese of Leeds)
Kevin Mendes (Diocese of Arundel and Brighton)