We currently have no vacancies for paid positions at Million Minutes. Please see below if you are interested in joining our board of trustees.

Join our Board of Trustees

We are very fortunate at Million Minutes to have such an excellent Board of Trustees - and we are currently looking for new additions to the board.

Million Minutes is a small charity that has a significant impact in the Catholic community and beyond, achieved with the help of a committed board of trustees. As a charity, we exist to work with the Catholic Church to ‘place all young people at the heart of the Church’, in the words of Pope Francis. This means working via parishes and local Catholic communities, advocating within the internal structures of the Church, and building up a new generation of young leaders inspired by the gifts of Catholic Social Teaching.

Million Minutes maintains a diverse Board of Trustees with different skills and perspectives. As the terms of some trustees come to an end, the Board is looking for three new trustees with at least one individual having previous board and/or senior leadership experience.

The trustee will contribute to the governance of Million Minutes’ activities and development of the charity’s strategic direction. Board membership usually involves attending 4 meetings per year on weekday evenings. Virtual attendance is possible. There is also one full Away Day in January, held in London.

We are seeking to recruit multiple trustee posts on a rolling basis and particularly welcome applications from those with previous Board experience.

Please download a full role description here.

Application process:  After reading the role description above, please send a CV and one page covering letter outlining why you would like to join the board of Million Minutes. The selection process will involve an informal interview with members of the board, and an opportunity to explore and discuss Million Minutes’ work with the team and volunteers. If successful in this, you would then be given an opportunity to observe a Board meeting before committing formally to the Trustee position.

Please email your completed application to info@millionminutes.org