Living out the option for the poor
The Cardinal Hume Award recognises young people who have helped others turn their lives around.
Caring for those living in poverty or facing disadvantage, both in our local communities and throughout the world, is a fundamental duty of us all. However, the Catholic Social Teaching principle of the preferential option for the poor goes further than this. The voice of people living in poverty needs to be heard, to empower them to play a full part of decision-making processes. We must enable those living in poverty to play a full, active role in society.
Nomination Tips: Do you know a young person who strives to put the poorest in their community first? Perhaps a young person who gives up their time to volunteer in their local foodbank or in their local homeless shelter. Or maybe you know a young person who works tirelessly to tackle the causes of poverty, at home or abroad, or a group which has campaigned for fairer trade practices. All of these and more could be considered for the Cardinal Hume Award!
Inspiring students at St John Vianney SEN School: A group of 12-year-olds from St John Vianney SEN School in Manchester were awarded the Cardinal Hume Award for ‘living out the option for the poor’ at our 2019 ceremony. The group supported local charities by donating food, clothing, toiletries and money - giving up their lunch breaks in the process! The school’s chaplain said that being recognised, “meant the world to them as they do not get much outside recognition for all their hard work. They face difficulties daily, often being negatively judged. But these are some of the kindest and spiritually amazing children I have worked with. They are so kind and caring and want to help others despite their own circumstances, it has made a huge difference in their lives”.
Read more about the CST principle of the preferential option for the poor here.
And check out our full Awards’ FAQs here.
Check out the other youth awards:
Deadline extended to the 15th May 2022 by 8pm
This year’s awards ceremony will take place in the Houses of Parliament in July!
Nominations for the 2022 Celebrating Young People Awards are now open!