Alone Together #2: Accompanying our young people when our churches and schools are closed

Week 2 of our online conversation focused on how we as churches and schools are re-imagining and connecting with the young people we work with. During the hour long conversation we explored questions including: “What am I trying within my youth ministry at present?”  “Is there anything I am holding back from trying?”. During the conversations we heard many rich ideas, challenges and potential solutions:

  • We heard from Fr Chris Gorton who is using this period as a time to get outside of his comfort zone, live stream mass and use puppetry and YouTube videos (with the added addition of Henry the Hoover) to connect to the young in his diocese. How could we take inspiration for our own work?

  • We heard from Fran Walsh, a school chaplain, who is exploring how she makes herself available to the young people she works with. She reflected on how she is connecting her young people together locally, with diocesan connections and using this time to forge international links. Fran talked about the importance of being available, providing a spiritual menu for both the young and their parents, and generally keeping in touch with young people, checking in with them letting them know they are being thought of during this time and being pastorally sensitive. Fran encouraged us with stories of feedback from pupils and parents.

  • Other input that emerged was that for some people, new in their roles, this is the beginning of a new journey. This means that for them, there is no set structure in place and are facing challenges of how to ‘start from scratch’ in this time. We reminded one another that everyone is still sharing the same mission and that it is important to share our frustrations and successes with each other.

  • When it comes to our young people its important to remember that, at least for many, we know them and we are well placed to make it as personal as possible in whatever means we have available.

  • Several questions were raised from the group included:

    What are the routes available to help us access our young people. E.g. those in the younger years - Year 6 to Year 9? Or those in parishes, where we don’t have the same ‘ease of access’ as a school.
    How do we help those who are described as vulnerable young people during this time?
    What are parish priests doing about Confirmation classes?
    How do we delegate jobs to volunteers through zoom?


Note: we collate all the resources shared on our resource page.

Prayer & Reflection:

Jesus is risen, and he wants to make us sharers in the new life of the resurrection. He is the true youthfulness of a world grown old, the youthfulness of a universe waiting “in travail” to be clothed with his light and to live his life. With him at our side, we can drink from the true wellspring that keeps alive all our dreams, our projects, our great ideals, while impelling us to proclaim what makes life truly worthwhile. Two curious details in the Gospel of Mark show how those risen with Christ are called to authentic youth. In the Lord’s passion we see a young man who wanted to follow Jesus, but in fear ran away naked; he lacked the strength to stake everything on following the Lord. Yet at the empty tomb, we see another young person, “dressed in a white tunic”, who tells the women not to be afraid and proclaims the joy of the resurrection.
The Lord is calling us to enkindle stars in the night of other young people. He asks you to look to the true stars, all those varied signs he gives us to guide our way, and to imitate the farmer whowatchesthestarsbeforegoingouttoploughhisfield.Godlightsupstarstohelpuskeep walking: “The stars shine in their watches; he calls them and they are glad”. Christ himself is our great light of hope and our guide in the night, for he is the “bright morning star”. Christus Vivit 33-34

Father, pour out your Spirit, upon our young people,
and grant them a new vision of your glory,
a new experience of your power,
a new faithfulness to your Word;
and a new consecration to your service,
that your love may grow in them, 
and your kingdom come, through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Safeguarding online:
Kenelm Youth Trust safeguarding resources -Guide to meeting online , Risk Assessment, Draft Letter to parents
Million Minutes: Courtyard Project Social Media Policy

Mindfulness, meditation and mental health:
Mental Health family hour via ChangeTalks: - A Catholic meditation app to help you find peace and grow in your spiritual journey.
Mindfulness Scripture drawing:

Online connecting: Zoom Games 2.0:

Faith resources:
HCPT Virtual Pilgrimage:
Messy Church:
Youth for Christ:
Joshua interviewing Henry the Hoover (by Fr Chris Gorton):

Some ideas shared:
If you still have access to children in school you could ask them to create postcards, and then one of the key workers could hand out the postcards to those that attend your local care homes
Hold images of the cross/Christ to the camera - invite participants to share their thoughts and questions
Provide links to virtual masses and prayers in the UK and masses in different languages to your young people whether its something happening locally, as a diocese, or internationally! - More opportunities exist than ever before!
Hold an online retreat - things that work well include: a late start, use of small groups, creation of polls and breakout rooms on zoom, pub quizzes
Focus on a scripture reading and get your young people to create an image from the scripture using their Lego pieces
Send a daily encouraging email message - personal touch, fidelity in uncertainty.
Set up a Google class room with key groups ie regular Lunchtime Mass/chaplain group - virtual journeying together.
Give them the option of providing prayer requests - can keep them anonymous - and share them with your local parishes
Provide updates to your parishioners via the online parish newsletter
Hold an online retreat - things that work well include: a late start, use of small groups, creation of polls and breakout rooms on zoom, pub quizzes
Move your youth clubs online you could host a pub quiz, talent show, silent disco etc
Hold a virtual tea and coffee with your parishioners
Focus on a scripture reading and get your young people to create an image from the scripture using their Lego pieces
Open up an online space that your Alter Servers can attend after your virtual live streamed mass
Collect prayer requests

For more details on our next conversations and to register please visit: